We’ll be soon entering the spring season. Spring is linked to the Wood element in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). This is the season of growth; a time of increased energy and activity, where everything is changing and growing. It is a time to embrace new beginnings and let go of the old, as we move forward into the rest of the year. Wood energy is about vision and sense of purpose. The Wood element and the spring season are also associated the ability to adapt to change.
Spring's arrival can be observed not only by the changes in nature such as animals emerging from hibernation and plants blooming, but also by the changes within us. We may feel more energetic, have a renewed interest in spending time outdoors, and feel compelled to make plans, take on new projects, redecorate our homes, and possibly even make significant changes such as switching jobs. Although we may not realise it, these internal changes are aligned with the natural rhythms of the season.
The energy of the wood element can be seen in the upward movement of plants, as they push through the soil and reach for the light. Wood energy gives us the push to learn and bring structure in our lives, and the stamina to accomplish our goals. Unlike the winter season, which invites us to rest, spring is a time for action and getting things done. (Read my previous blog – Winter Blues).
Wood energy can be felt as an unstoppable force with an incredible ability to find ways around obstacles, and individuals with a strong Wood energy tend to see opportunities where others might only see challenges. Feeling stuck and/or unmotivated, stubbornness, rigidity, being inflexible and/or irritable, may indicate an imbalance of the Wood energy in us. A way to balance these emotions is to allow ourselves some flexibility to flow with life and adapt to its changing condition so we can move through it with more ease.
Here are some tips on how to support your Wood energy during the spring season:
1. Declutter. Take time to clear out the old and make way for the new, have a spring clean! This includes not only physical clutter but also mental and emotional clutter.
2. Get outside. One way to support your wood energy during the spring season is by spending time outdoors, especially around trees or engaging in gardening activities. Surrounding yourself with the colour green can also be helpful, such as by adding plants to your home and even incorporating more green into your wardrobe.
3. Get organised. Spring is a season of new beginnings, and getting organised and planning ahead can help you feel more focused and better equipped to deal with life changes. Creating vision boards is a great way to jump-start your motivation.
4. Move. Swim, walk, have a good stretch, move your body as much as you can to support your Wood energy during spring.
5. Take care of your emotional health. Mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help promote emotional balance and help you feel more grounded.
6. Eat green. Eating sour foods, lemons, limes, pickles, salads, dark green vegetables and fruits, and fermented foods like kimchi can be another great way to support your energy. Always consult with your GP first if there are any dietary health conditions.
7. Reiki therapy. This relaxation technique can help restore balance to body, mind, and spirit as well as support positive choices for personal growth.
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