Find your centre

Image: unsplash/@michaeljamescreates
3 mins read

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Earth element is associated with late summer (from mid-August to the autumnal equinox in September) and the 18 day transition period at the end of each season. Earth energy is supportive, stable, nurturing and grounding, resembling the universal maternal archetype.

Days are getting shorter and as the summer comes to an end, we find ourselves moving into the season of the Earth element. This is the time when after the fullness, abundance, and celebration that summer brings, our energies feel more balanced and centred. Just like Nature readies itself for harvest, we can take this time to reflect, ground ourselves, and prepare for what’s coming in the next season (the season of letting go!) and in life in general.

When our Earth energy is balanced, we are well-grounded, nurturing and compassionate. This brings forth a feeling of freedom and the capacity to remain in the present moment. We feel confident and at ease with ourselves, with others and with life. Earth energy embodies unity, friendship, it thrives on bringing people together but does not take sides. Like a parent who steps in as the peacemaker among siblings to bring harmony back!

Worry and sympathy are emotions linked to the Earth element. When the Earth energy within us is out of balance, we feel ungrounded, there’s a sense of dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and a lack of self-trust. Our capacity for empathy diminishes, leading to self-centeredness. But it could also become excessive, causing us to prioritise others’ needs over our own without clear boundaries. We might also be more vulnerable to digestive problems.

Some ways to support the Earth element in your body:

1. Resolve worry. Worry interferes with the natural flow of our energy. Stay present, evaluate your concerns, take action on the manageable ones, and release those beyond your control.

2. Ground your energies. Engage in activities like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, or dance. Connect with nature through gardening, walks on the beach or forest, hikes, or visits to your local park.

3. Mental detox. Be mindful about what you mentally ingest. This season offers an opportunity to reflect on our interaction with social media and news, and to establish limits on screen time.

4. Sing your heart out. The sound of the Earth element is “singing”, so whether is in the shower, the car, or a stage, sing!

5. Set boundaries. If you’re the Earth type that put people’s needs before yours, now it’s a good time to embrace the strength of saying a simple “NO” when you cannot commit.

6. Food power. The Earth element is associated with the spleen and the stomach, focusing on eating habits that help digestion can support your Earth energy. Nourishing foods like whole grains, rice, butternut squash, pumpkin and root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots can strengthen the Earth element, especially when prepared in hearty stews! Eat mindfully. Take time to eat whilst sitting down. According to the Chinese Medicine clock, the stomach has optimal digestive capacity between 7–9am, so don’t skip breakfast!

7. Slow down. Spring and summer has been about taking action, spontaneity, adventure and playing, but now is time to consider slowing down the pace in preparation for the season ahead.

8. Reiki therapy. Reiki can help ground your energies, bringing harmony and balance to body, mind and spirit and help you find your centre.

 Curious about Reiki? Book your appointment now. Follow @reikiandrituals_ for more positive insight.

Live, Laugh, Love

Image: unsplash/@k_yasser
3 min read

Today’s the first day of summer, this beautiful season is linked to the Fire element in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and associated to the heart. The summer is a time for expansion, socialising, connecting with others, spontaneity, and excitement! Fire is one of the most powerful, vibrant and dynamic elements, it represents passion, enthusiasm, and motivation. It embodies the drive, ambition, and creative force that fuels action and ignites inspiration and transformation within us.

During the summer season, we might feel a sense of wanting to be a little more carefree, less rigid with ourselves and the world around us, as well as being more adventurous and spontaneous as opposed to how we might have felt during the spring season, when getting organised and sticking to a plan could have been more resonant. (Read my previous blog about spring and the Wood energy). During the summer, the Fire energy prompts us to be around others, to socialise. We might also notice an increased vitality, for example, it’s easier to get up early and our energy seems to last longer!

The energy of the Fire element is outwards, and we see this in the way that fire behaves, hot, bright, expansive, a rising and fast-moving energy. Think about how the flames dart and leap out in unexpected ways going in all directions. We also see this in nature, how following the upward movement of the plants in spring, nature now reaches its peak of growth, being at its fullest and most expansive self. Summer holds the power of maturity. During the winter and spring, we put considerable effort into nurturing and growing, and now it’s time to have fun, no room for boredom!

We, as part of nature also need to express ourselves at our maximum potential and the season of summer invites us to do so. Now is the time to fully feel, experience, and express ourselves authentically leaving no regrets behind us, so in time, we can ease the way into Autumn, the season of letting go.

According to TCM, the Fire element is associated with the heart and small intestine. The heart is considered the emperor of the body, governing not only the physical heart but also mental and emotional part of us. The small intestine is responsible for separating the pure from the impure in terms of food and emotions. Fire is transformative, passionate, impulsive, and energetic, but it can also be destructive. It has the power to consume, purify, and regenerate. Depression, mania, lack of self-love, anxiety, insomnia, short attention span, poor concentration and hyperactivity, can all be signs of an imbalance of this energy. So, balance is vital.

Here are some tips on how to balance and support your Fire element during the summer season:

1. Work hard, play hard. Tap into your playful side. Bring some adventure and spontaneity into your life.

2. Be part of a community. Socialise, become a volunteer. The energy of the Fire element likes connection and human contact. Sharing, communicating, loving and caring, generates, maintains and nourishes the Fire within us.

3. Laugh. Watch a comedy, smile more. Celebrate your little wins and laugh at your mistakes!

4. Do something that you love. Whether it is singing, cooking, dancing, drawing, or playing an instrument, make time to live your passion.

5. Cardio exercise. If there’s no health conditions, exercise, dance, run, play! Get your heart and circulation going.

6. Eat bitter food. Bitter is the taste associated with the fire element. Consuming bitter foods such as dark chocolate and coffee, adding red spices to your meals and grilling your food can help support the balance of the Fire element. (Always check with your GP first if there are any dietary conditions)

7. Grounding. If you feel that your Fire energy is too strong, try meditation and any other form or mindfulness, this can help you balance and ground your energy.

8. Reiki therapy. This relaxation technique can help restore balance to body, mind, and spirit and help you find your divine spark.

Curious about Reiki? Book your appointment now! Follow @reikiandrituals_ for more positive insight.